Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Pyramids - grandeur and sadness combined

Pyramids of Giza 
looked magnificent and for once I 
wasn't taking a distressed and underweight horse 
or an aged camel, which now look all the more jaded considering
they also took part in the revolution, stampeding into Tahrir Square. 
We were on foot and able to appreciate the size and genius of the pyramids much more.

There were so few people there to see them,
there were more Egyptians than visitors, making us gold dust;
making them, to degrees I haven't seen, desperate and filled with anxiety,
to make the sell and provide for the families they have the need to fill the table with produce.

In awe,
we looked at the pyramids, 
so grand and reservedly perfect,
mysteriously looking back at us was the sphinx,
quiet and undisrupted by the chaos around it and air of neediness. 
However, I left somewhat saddened by the lack of care for these historical masterpieces
and the desperation of the people living and working amongst them, their beauty lost in change.


  1. Gorgeous..and I can't wait to "travel" with you!!!

  2. Kara -- yeah get your sun cream on! :)
    Emma -- incrediboobies!
